Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Pastors, pimps and prostitutes


God Help Us

   They say Black Americans don't support Black owned business'. That's not true. there are three professions that get plenty of money out the hood.

   A study published in the “Journal of Religion and Society” on July 29, 2009 by Tom Rees found: people in places without a strong social safety net and limited opportunity for upward mobility are more likely to turn to religion for comfort.

This fact is particularly relevant when considering the staggering wealth inequality between black and white Americans. Despite the progress made in civil rights and economic opportunity since the 1960s, the racial wealth gap in the United States continues to be stark. According to a report by the Institute for Policy Studies, African Americans have only a tenth of the median wealth of white households, and the average African American family has a net worth of only $3,400. This extreme wealth disparity between the black and white communities has been attributed to the systemic racism that has limited black peoples access to educational and economic opportunities. This systemic racism has resulted in black people having to work harder and longer than their white counterparts with no guarantee of success. As a result, many black people are unable to make money off of their hard work and find themselves excluded from the mainstream economy. This has resulted in many black people feeling that they are being taken advantage of; that everyone is making money off of them except them.

Think about it. You don’t see a lot of rich people running around saying the end is near. Instead, they find ways to make money while exploiting black people in the process. From the exploitation of resources in Africa to the use of black people as entertainment, it is clear that the money made off of black people is not going back into their communities. Even in the U.S., black-owned businesses are often underfunded or overlooked. It's an unfortunate reality that the majority of people of color are not benefiting from their own labor and creativity. Solutions must be found to ensure that black people can access the same economic opportunities as everyone else.

But go to any housing project in the U.S. and you will find many people looking to religious leaders eager to help them pray for a better life. Unfortunately, this is not enough. We need to look at ways to support Black people financially, such as providing access to business loans, grants, and other forms of financial support. We must also create an environment where Black people can pursue their dreams and thrive without the fear of racial prejudice and discrimination. Only then will Black people be able to make money and create wealth on their own terms.

Religion has a surprisingly high correlation with poverty, according to a Gallup survey conducted in more than 100 countries. The more poverty a nation has, the higher thereligiosityin that nation. In general, richer countries are less religious than poorer ones. The biggest exception? The United States, which has the highest religiosity relative to its wealth on the planet. This has led to a situation where black people, who are disproportionally represented in the lower socio-economic classes, are excluded from many wealth-producing opportunities. This is largely due to systemic racism and a lack of access to capital and resources. Coupled with the fact that religion often serves as an obstacle to progress, it's no wonder that black Americans are often left behind when it comes to making money.

Many religious leaders see this as an opportunity to cash in on the spiritual needs of their congregations, while politicians make promises to the black community that they never intend to keep. However, the most profitable venture of all appears to be the exploitation of black culture by large corporations that reap the benefits of exploiting blackness for profit while providing little in return to the African American community. This is why it is so important to support black-owned businesses and empower the African American community to benefit from their own culture. Additionally, it is necessary for people to become more aware of the ways in which black people are taken advantage of and how they are often excluded from the economic benefits that their culture generates.

These religious predators know poor people tend to look for outside help, so they start businesses like "give to get blessings" or "seed faith" and then charge people for services that promise to bring them wealth and financial stability. Unfortunately, these businesses often fail to deliver on their promises, leaving the people who were already struggling even worse off. Black people have been particularly targeted by these scams, as they are already marginalized and more likely to seek out alternative ways to get ahead financially. It's a sad reality that too many people profit off of the financial desperation of black people while they are unable to make any money for themselves.

That’s why you see so many churches in poor black communities. Many people feel that the black church is a source of hope, strength, and spiritual guidance. However, some have argued that the black church can be a source of exploitation, with pastors taking advantage of peoples spiritual needs for their own gain. It is important to consider the various perspectives on this issue in order to make an informed decision about the role of the black church. Additionally, it is essential to recognize the fundamental role the black church plays in the African-American community, as it has been a cornerstone of the African-American experience for centuries.

Many of these churches are often criticized for being too commercial and not focusing enough on spiritual growth. People have questioned whether the black church is a rip-off or if it is genuinely a safe place for spiritual growth and healing. While there has been much debate about this topic, ultimately it is up to each individual person to decide if the church is a place of refuge for them or not.

In New York City, many prominent retail locations, warehouses and movie theaters have become churches. And now all they’re selling is hopes and dreams of a better life, instead of the much needed products and services.

Instead of jobs they want you to become a volunteer. They want you to donate money, yet theres no accountability to how that money is used. To make matters worse, the pastors in many of these churches are not held to the same ethical standards as their secular counterparts. This leads many to question if the black church is a rip off.

Religious advocates say volunteering helps the community. They argue that black house of worship provide a valuable service to its members and the community at large. It can serve as a platform to support and unite African-Americans and provide spiritual guidance. Additionally, they can provide a safe space for members to gather and talk about issues that affect their community, as well as provide an opportunity for members to serve their community through volunteer work. These efforts can help reduce poverty and crime, two of the biggest challenges that disproportionately affect African-American communities. But more often than not, the real result is the enrichment of the religious leaders.

Truth be told, good paying jobs are what helps the community, and the church is not always able to provide that. The church sometimes asks for donations and tithes that could be going towards bills, food and other necessities that many people in the community need. The black church has faced criticism for taking money from people, who often don't have much, and not providing enough services in return. Additionally, there have been allegations that some churches are using their money for personal gain instead of helping the community. It is important to remember, however, that many churches provide valuable services to their congregations and do important work in their communities.

So what's their secret, how are black houses of worshipable to get black people's money? The secret lies in their ability to tap into the spiritual and emotional needs of their congregations. They understand the power of connecting with people on a spiritual level and have developed a ministry that meets the needs of the black community. By creating an environment of love and acceptance, the church has been successful in creating a space for people to come together and share in their faith. This strong sense of community allows the church to bring in money from their members, as well as donations from outside sources.

In other words, they’re selling something no one else has. Think about it. Your product is answers to the people needs and questions. But when they ask you something you don't know, you can say God only knows and they have to accept that answer.

Next week...Why closed legs don't get no money!

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